

2012(e)ko apirilaren 8(a), igandea

♥ Perfect Universe ♥

All we are individual. We are alone all, always was like that, we are alone in oneself but at the same time we are conected with others. No matter if you have fear......you will be alone always, because you are one. The way is being happy with your self. That will help to be more happy when you are with others and they will be more happy too of course. ♥

Even if you have fear o if you have no........your path will go on.....no other way! you will swing in the life even if you don´t want, jjejj :)

For me the most inteligent way to life is being happy...or trying to be happy! easy like that!

this choice i think is all human being´s choice......i think so....diference can be where is for each human being that happiness.......

But no matter because the world is like a play board! when we don´t "win", we learn! no more! ♥ ♥ ♥

All is perfect, that is the conclusion! :) ♥  

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