2012(e)ko apirilaren 9(a), astelehena
Theosophy (from Greek θεοσοφία theosophia, from θεός theos, divine + σοφία sophia,
wisdom; literally "divine wisdom"), refers to systems of speculation or
investigation seeking direct knowledge of the mysteries of being and
nature, particularly concerning the nature of Divinity. Theosophy is also considered a part of the broader field of esotericism,
referring to hidden knowledge or wisdom that offers the individual
enlightenment and salvation. The theosophist seeks to understand the
mysteries of the universe and the bonds that unite the universe,
humanity and the divine world. The goal is to explore the origin of
divinity and humanity (theogony and anthropogony) including the end of world, life and humanity (eschatology). Then, from investigation of these discover a coherent description of the purpose and origin of the universe (cosmogony).
The theosophist inquires into the hieroglyphs of nature (insights, or
poetic meaning, in flowers, rainbows etc.), using a method of
interpretation founded upon a specific myth or revelation, to apply
active imagination in order to draw forth symbolic meanings and further
their pursuit of knowledge toward a complete understanding of these
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